Medicare Wellness Visits are an essential part of preventive care for individuals 65 and older. They are covered under Medicare, and therefore free to you. You are owed a covered Medical Wellness Visit every year. Just as you would get screenings or physicals regularly, annual wellness visits should be performed annually to stay on top of your health, help inform your primary care doctor and keep you well.
Annual wellness visits are performed by many clinicians within CCP. Your primary care provider may provide them virtually or in your primary care office. Sometimes annual wellness visits are done in conjunction with your other visits (for example, a physical), or your primary care provider may work with CCP’s central clinical services team to offer the Medicare Wellness Visit to you.
What is the annual wellness visit?
- This visit is intended to enhance the care you receive from your doctor’s office, paint a picture of your current state of health, and create a baseline for future care.
- This visit is for talking with part of our team about your medical history, your risk for certain diseases, the current state of your health and your plan for staying well.
- We might refer you for screenings or services outside of the appointment.
- Any additional tests or labs that may be required as a result of the findings of your annual wellness visit would be billed separately by your doctor and would fall under a different benefit than your annual wellness visit.
Some screenings completed during this visit include:
- Health Risk Assessment (HRA)
- Fall Risk
- PHQ2, 9 if appropriate
- Tobacco Screen
- Brief alcohol screen
What else is completed in the visit?
- Medication reconciliation
- Verify of problem list in our records
- We help obtain records from specialists if not already in the chart to better inform your primary care provider
- Assist with living will/healthcare proxy or other forms you need
- Ensure you have all follow-up appointments you may need
How is the Annual Wellness Visit different from other visits?
- This is not the same as a yearly physical exam.
- We will not listen to your heart and lungs or check other parts of your body.
- You will not get screenings or blood tests during this visit.
- We would want to schedule another appointment if you are not feeling well or are concerned about a medical problem.
Top 5 reasons to get your annual wellness visit
We encourage you to accept the Medicare Annual Wellness Exam when offered, just like any other appointment at CCP.
If you have questions, call the CCP central clinical services team at (518) 980-9250.
Am I Eligible?
Medicare Part B (Original/Traditional Medicare) and Medicare Advantage plans cover Wellness Visits at no cost to you. If you are due for your annual wellness visit, your doctor’s office or our central clinical services team will contact you to schedule the appointment. We will contact you by phone, text, or email to schedule, and you will receive appointment reminders as you would any other visit at CCP. Following your wellness visit, the CCP clinical services team will work with your CCP provider to coordinate the follow-up care that is necessary to meet your whole health needs.